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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Pregnancy poisoning

Başlatan Leila, Nis 04, 2018, 04:30 ös

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Pregnancy Intoxication; Another name is preeclampsia, an elevation of blood pressure, urine is a disease characterized by proteinuria (proteinuria) and edema. As you might imagine, no poisoning is a problem. Urine is also called pregnancy poisoning when protein elevation is accompanied by blood pressure. Tension values ​​for a normal person are 80 / 130mmHg. The above mentioned blood pressure values ​​are called high blood pressure. In pregnancy, the blood pressure is measured as 90 / 140mmHg and the urine protein is called as mild pre-eclampsia.Severe preeclampsia is defined as having a blood pressure of 110 / 160mmHg and urinating more than 2 grams of protein per day, impaired liver function tests, headache, decreased platelet count, visual impairment, and pain in the liver area. Severe pregnancy poisoning is very rare. In some cases, seizures similar to seizures can be seen. This is called eclampsia in the medical language.
The most important finding in pregnancy poisoning, diagnosis and treatment is high blood pressure. Blood pressure measurement should be done regularly. Pregnancy. poisoning occurs after the 20th week of your pregnancy. It is very rare before the 20th gestational week. Pregnancy poisoning is seen in 5-10% of all pregnancies. Approximately four to three cases are mild, and four cases are severe. The prevalence of pregnancy poisoning in pregnant rats increases with a number of risk factors. These;


Presence of hypertension before pregnancy
First pregnancy
Advanced gestational age (above 35)
Previous pregnancies include pregnancy poisoning
Multiple pregnancy
Pregnancy poisoning by other individuals in the family
Type 1 diabetes
Kidney disease
Immune system disorders
Pregnancy poisoning There are a number of changes in the mother. Increased plasma keratin, decreased renal blood flow, thrombocytopenia, cardiac afterload due to hypertension, impaired vision, decreased urine output. Pregnancy poisoning can negatively affect the mother and the baby when not controlled. There are also effects on the baby. Decrease in baby's water, retardation of baby's growth, slowing of heartbeats and decrease in baby's movements are seen. Treatment is medication, preterm delivery is done in severe cases that can not be controlled with medication. Decreased water and movement of babies, decrease in baby heartbeats, risk of dying in the mother's womb, early separation of the baby's partner,