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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

What are the Benefits, How to Kefir?

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:05 öö

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Kefir is brieflydescribed as fermented milk . According to some sources kefir name is Turkish origin and it is expressed in terms of pleasure word. Kefir attracts attention as a useful food consumed in many countries of the world. As it passes through a special fermentation process, it is prepared from lightly sourced kefir, goat, cow and sheep milk. Kefiris defined as a nutrient that contributes to general health values. Kefir, better defined as milk, has an effect that moves the intestines through the richness of its bacteria.

Kefirin Benefits in Ingredients
• Kefir has a cholesterol-lowering effect.
• It is good for sinusitis .
• It stops the development of cancerous tumors.
• Kefirhas a protective effect on heart health .
• Cleanses the intestines and destroys germs in the gut.
• Kefir has an antibiotic effect. It is therefore used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
• It is among the benefits of kefir that it helps to remove excess salt and sweat found in the body.
• Kefir is also used in the treatment of infectious diseases.
• It has a feature that prevents the formation or progress of cancer.
• Vitamin A preserves the health of the eye.
• Kefir is an effective food for strong bone and tooth structure.
• Has a supporting effect in the treatment of gastric ulcer .
• It is known that kefir is also good for cavities .
• Kefir is a very useful food for liver.
• It is known that eczema is good for external use .
• It has a preventive effect on swelling in the body.
• It prevents acne formation and is a supporting food in the treatment of skin mushrooms.
• Kefir is good for stomach cramps.
• Kefir has an effective use even in lung infections.

Kefirin Nutritional Value
Kefir, which has a very high nutritional value, is rich in protein. A glass of kefir contains approximately 8 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 30 grams of cholesterol . A glass of kefir contains between 8 and 11 grams of protein on average. It is also possible to drink 10% of your vitamins daily by drinking a glass of kefir. Besides drinking a glass of kefir;  it is possible to meet4% of the daily vitamin Crequirement and 30% of the calcium requirement. A cup of kefirin contains 350 mg of potassium, 125 mg of sodium and 4 grams of sugar. It is possible to say that all this information has an effect that strengthens the immune system of kefir in the light.