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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Skin Care and Highlights in Winter

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 11:24 öö

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Along with the approach of the winter season, the needs of the skin also change. You can have the skin care that is affected by the sudden heat changes negatively and have a bright skin in winter.

As the effect of cold air increases, the skin starts to dry more quickly and quickly. Cracking hands and lips, dryness and burning problems related to drying are common in this period. In transition, your skin wants more care than ever.

Bee from Dead Cells Peel once a week to your entire body to get rid of the dead cells in
your skin, which constantly renews itself. Make a pouch a month to deeply clean your skin and open your pores.

Clean your skin with warm water The most important step
for a healthy skin is to do the cleaning properly. Instead of washing your dry skin with hot water, use warm water instead of cold water. Make sure to use appropriate cleaners when you make the skin. Never go to sleep until you have your makeup.

Use a humidifier The
moisture content of your skin increases as you approach winter months. To give the skin the nemesis of the cold and windy air dried skin, first determine the skin type by going to a specialist dermatologist. If you have any type of skin, take care of both your face and your body with a moisturizer.


Remember that a non-skin moisturizer will cause acne problems and pore clogging.

Do not go out without the
sunshine Many people think that the harmful effects of the sun only occur in the summer. However, it is necessary to protect from the sun rays in all seasons. Do not go out without a minimum of 15 SPF cir- cuits with protection against UVA and UVB rays.

Take care of your hands With the
changes of the seasons, the hand builds and cracks with loss of moisture. Compared to the other parts of the body, because it is more contact with the water, it gets harder with cold air and becomes far away from its soft appearance. Do not forget to rinse your hands with a moisturizer, heavy cream after each wash to get well-groomed hands. Wear a cotton glove by rubbing vaseline with your hand before licking at night. When you wake up in the morning, you will see that your hands are soft.